

Hungary is part of the European Co-production Convention and already ratified the Revised Convention.

Hungary has bilateral co-production agreements in force with Canada, France, Italy, Germany and Israel.

Co-productions with countries of the OECD DAC list are accepted.

Both majority and minority co-productions are accepted for the cash rebate as automatic support and we can also apply for selective subsidy to the National Film Institute.

The subsidy intensity is 60% as a general rule which means that the state support (cash rebate + selective subsidy) may not exceed 60% of the Hungarian co-producer’s contribution. Exceptions of 100% are related to low budget films (as determined in the annual State Budget) and Hungarian language criteria.

Cash rebate procedure is the same as for service productions.

In case of selective subsidy, the film has to comply with the classification criteria based on Hungarian cast, crew and production elements.